Barter is the present and the future of international trade, especially for people who is starting in the import export business. Barter and more: Triangular operations.
The 3A Intergen Trade Co., Ltd. in Bangkok Thailand enhanced its goal to venture partnership in different companies around the world which service deems best for our valued clients. We also build rapport to those who would be willing to inquire goods…
This device extracts water from air. Water vapors in the air are condensed by cooling the air below its dew point. The AWG is designed to give you clean potable WATER COMES FROM THE AIR. All you have to do is plug the electric socket. NO need another…
OMOS ESPECIALISTAS Y NOS HACE UNICOS en nuestro mercado por que podemos FABRICAR una cantidad bastante amplia variedad de refacciones que solo en el extranjero se pueden adquirir y además a la mitad del tiempo que se conseguirían, tales como: REPARACION…
Somos una empresa, dedicada a trabajos de Metalmecánica, Maquinados, Fundición y Pailería. Especializados en: Engranes Rectos, Cónicos y Helicoidales Reductores Rodillos Afilado de Cuchillas Circulares y Rectas Troqueles Racks Tanques y Estructuras…