Barter is the present and the future of international trade, especially for people who is starting in the import export business. Barter and more: Triangular operations.
PVC Coated Wire Rope Net - Environmental Friendly and High Strength The PVC coated wire rope net and chain link fence is covering the stone mountain. PCWN-01: Green color of PVC coated wire rope net can make the slope more beautiful. PVC coated wire…
Active Rockfall Barrier System Tecco Mesh or Steel Wire Rope Net Spider spiral rope mesh system is protecting the mountain. ARB-01: Active rockfall barrier system is covering the mountain to prevent stones from falling down. Active rockfall barrier system…
Metal Circular Level Vial Used For Measuring Level Metal level vial, also called metal bubble level vial and bull eye level vial, is made of aluminum alloy, copper or stainless steel case, glass or acrylic cover and alcohol medium. The metal bubble level…
Plastic Level Vial Used In Leveling Instruments Plastic bubble level vial, made of acrylic and alcohol, can be divided into circular level vial and tubular level vial. The acrylic is strong enough to avoid breaking in transportation and using. The color…
Glass Circular Level Vial Used In Leveling Instruments Glass circular bubble level vial consists of well grinding glass sheet and glass bottom, which are connected by the way of splicing or sintering. We have researched new technology to prevent the…