Personal goods - HEALTHCARE. Laser Therapy, Ayurveda, Chinese medicine...

Bio Light - Cold Light Therapy as a for Muscle Stimulation for face and body

Bio Lights offer non-invasive cold light therapy because of its special wavelengths. Stimulates muscles, joints, skin and nerves to improve metabolism, kills bacteria, produces collagen and is anti wrinkle. Biolights may help improve certain skin conditions.…

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Kangen water promotes great health.

u may be interested in learning something about Kangen water...which Tiger Woods,Bill Gates,Warren Buffet,the Olympic Teams,Giants,Lakers,are drinking Kangen water promotes increased energy, wellness,long term optimal health as well as assists with longevity!…

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Agencies Required

Would you be interested in our company marketing your products in South Africa and neighbouring countries. We have an established and good intro into the following segments of our economy.Health and beauty,construction,technology and agriculture.Please…

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Distributors wanted for natural/bio based skin care range.....

Bio Agens Research & Development (BARD) is a company based in the Czech Republic which manufactures skin care products utilising the Pyhium oligandrum organism. This organism is classified as a fungi which preys on other fungal organisms only thus BARD…

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