Barter is the present and the future of international trade, especially for people who is starting in the import export business. Barter and more: Triangular operations.
We are a voluntary association of individuals for promoting Turkish and neighbor countries’ market opportunities to the global business community and providing interpretation to companies before, during and after their entry into Turkey, Iraq, and…
We provide links to advertising your site, such as Blog posts, Blogroll, Homepage links, banners, text links, Link ads and etc. from collection our best sites with various niche with traffic parameters as: Page Rank, Google index, Alexa rank, domain…
Servicios de consultoria : Búsqueda de nuevos negocios- Administración y organización empresaria- Plan de Negocios- Mejoras de productividad- Implantación de 5"S" - Consultoria en Comercio Internacional- Análisis de factibilidad exportadora- Búsqueda…