Maghreb - Sub-Saharan Africa trade

Maghreb - Sub-Saharan Africa trade

For bloogers and agents

We know that the Commerce is the unique antidote to War while the men not change their emotions and vices.

So, wellcome the business, between Arab and Jews, Muslim and Christian in Africa, wellcome the conflict just in money, not in life. 

Would you like to manage geopolitics and geoeconomic movements of States, Religions, and Business in your African country related with the rest of the world, specially with China in Industry 4.0?

Contact us here, to make money together in the global niches you choose, 

Libya - China Artificial Intelligence, Egypt - Israel Areoponic Systems, Morocco - Spain Robotic, Tunis - France printing 3D, Algeria - China Laser Industry....etc etc. 

For companies and institutions

If your target markets are Maghreb countries, enter

The global platform for bilateral trade, the new business language, the more advanced business system in Internet. Target your business and multiplicate it

Madrid (Spain) - Algiers (Algeria)

 Just an example

Is Maghreb countries too much annoyed to European countries for economic and historic reasson?
Where there is more hypocrisy in Muslim or Christian people?

It doesn't matter

We are here to support the little business

If you want to do business between Maghreb and Europe, for example, take advantage of our connected world. 

Everybody can benefit from our UNIQUE global platform, companies, instititutions, and public.

If you are looking for job opportunities,

read the end of this article

maghreb map


  1. Egypt don’t belong to Maghreb.
  2. disagreements between Morocco and Algeria regarding the  Western Sahara’s  sovereignty.
  3. Total GDP of Maghreb countries is aprox. the same that Egypt GDP or Malaysia GDP.

If we order members of CAN from higher GDP per capita to lower.


Population: 6.461.455 (105th)

GDP: $89 trillion (79th)

GDP per cápita: $13.800 (77th)


Population: 10.589.025 (78th)

GDP: $100.3 trillion (66th)

GDP per cápita: $9.500 (90th)


Population: 37.100.000 (34th)

GDP: $254,7 trillion (47th)

GDP per cápita: $7.400 (103th)


Population: 32.226.056 (38th)

GDP: $153.8 trillion (58th)

GDP per cápita: $4.900 (121th)


Population: 3.359.185 (134th)

GDP: $7,7 trillion (147th)

GDP per cápita: $2.121 (153th)



1 Companies: Do you want to export to MAGHREB or import from MAGHREB , Join Sylodium. We are the unique that connect areas, and cities.

2 Institutions: Embassies? Bilateral chambers? MAGHREB bloc? Imagine the synergies , contact us.

3 Collaborators. Be our representative ALGERIA. Work with us.

4 Public. Cash your ideas. Rotate your country. Put ALGERIA above France. For ex.

If you are from some North African country

North African jobs

For companies

In Sylodium (city and country / crossing system: the best way to export in Internet) you can advertise for free your company or your Project at the intersection of cities that you want, for example to export to Tunis from Morocco,

Marrakesh (Morocco) – Tunis (Tunisia).

Or any city around the World. You can choose your target markets for free.

Sylodium, The best way to export in Internet.


Join us and advertise for free to be seen 

Then you will already take a great advantage in Internet,

Companies that import from MAGHREB , from EU, USA, Mexico, Indonesia, from Africa

Any import export business will see your ads and proposals.

Do you want to reach new business realities beyond the opportunities in MAGHREB ?

join us as Premium user and take a look to our unique services.

1 Barter (transactions),

2 Segmentation Banner,

3  2 business networkings.



If you are a company from MAGHREB

1 Advertise for free to MAGHREB , to Asia, to ASEAN, to India, to America....

2 Become a Premium user 

If you are a person related with international trade and/or marketing and living in ALGERIA, for example.

WORK WITH US Representing ALGERIA related with the rest of the world

2 Make money in our Forum-Business- Contest 

Rotate your country and put ALGERIA above France. For ex.