Are Microsoft, Google, FB etc in the right 4.0?

Are you in Software 4.0?

How the big Internet companies manage the BD? deeply or superficially?

Obviously in the best way towards lead the consume of any product or item or service.

But are they more in our tastes or more in our reflections?

What about software patents towards FIR?

Obviously the concrete things obliged the way to do the software perfectly fixed to those concrete things, but is not Windows System in general completely outside the potentiality of coming matters (in general we say, not in particular or concrete things)?

Are not Google, Facebook, Windows etc worried about tech for attracting to our senses, opinions and our sentimental fields, but outside serious judgments and reflections?

Windows says:

"We believe in the potential of every student. We believe teachers deserve more time to teach. And we believe, with the right tools, everything is possible".

Windows patent:

"Bring the mystery of the oceans to your classroom

Build future-ready skills with engaging classroom activities by taking your students on an underwater odyssey with Oceans Our Blue Planet"

Is this really reaching our head?

How we pretend create an Intelligent machine with eyes logic and tongue instead of semantic and understanding?

Google Glass is a brand of smart glasses – an optical head-mounted display designed in the shape of a pair of eyeglasses. It was developed by X (previously Google X)[9] with the mission of producing a ubiquitous compute

But what does this “Smart glasses”? This Smart improve your intelligence?

We need hierarchical records, and apps that warn us that we're wasting our time, or we're being vain, and that we have to be ambitious, and they remind us or say how to go about doing it

The crymge system combines the system of crosses with the rexiology system, monads that mark the natural axes of thought, but which are the things and the words and their situation and condition which are being exemplified by the monad. 


 XIAN – Southern Africa ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE , NINGBO – West Africa FIR, Qingdao – Nigeria 4.0 , China South – South Africa Export 4.0, China – West Africa ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE.


If you are in future business, specially between China and Africa, you can be part of our CRYPTOCURRENCY

The UNO is the currency where the American pay 1$ and the Nigerian pay 1 Naira. etc

in Sylodium you can build your own BCB (beneficial circuit business) in China to Africa exchanging START UPS with products services, ALL BILATERAL TRADE projects, patents, spaces and money (our UNOS) inside our system, contact us here and make money together with us. 

Be part of the future ready generation of 2020

Rexiology of Crymge System. 

Axis X – Our Ontology

x1 Essence: Rexiology (Monads)

x2 Subjects , Men, things, words.

x3 FACTS. Sylodium.

x4 Phenomena – UNO

x5 New Class – New System.

Axis Z. Our Potentiality

z1 Ideas: Global AI – IoT-IIoT

z2 Categories: Visa, Rumboid, Mientralism, Linseidance,

z3 Entities: Geometrical entities.

z4 Here and now, Determinant Matrix and Eisenciere.

z5 History: Agriculture, Industrial, Tech. Hestidolia.

Axis Y. Our Reality

y1 Nature – Real human Maths

y2 Principles – Clevalence.

y3 Rules – Critaxis

y4 Structure: Logometry

y5 Truth and Power: Heminemetics.

China - Africa 4.0.

China and Africa: Whither the Belt and Road?

In addition, borrowing space in African countries is shrinking rapidly. After the debt reductions of the 1990s and 2000s, many African countries had comparatively low levels of external debt. At the same time, traditional partner countries were shifting from providing loans to grants, and many were focusing on social sectors rather than infrastructure. Against that background, Chinese lending agencies started to provide significant financing for infrastructure projects in Africa.  

Thanks to China, Africa’s largest free trade zone has launched in Djibouti

The opening of the zone also coincided with Djibouti’s hosting of the Africa-China Economic Forum, which brought together government officials and the private sector with the aim of promoting economic collaboration.

Trade Ideas related with INDUSTRY 4.0. Are you there yet?

Capitalizing on Industry 4.0 in Africa

benefiting from Industry 4.0 requires overcoming a myriad of obstacles. Given Africa’s unique context, policymakers must ask the right questions to make sure the continent can capitalize on the revolution. On June 4, the Brookings Africa Growth Initiative and United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) explored strategies to anticipate and circumvent the challenges the “New Industrial Revolution” is generating as well as how all of Africa can benefit from Industry 4.0.

African leaders in artificial intelligence to gather at AI Expo Africa 

Leaders in the African AI, data science and investment space like Accenture, SAP, Dimension Data, BCX, Siatik, Intel, Startup Boot Camp, Knife Capital and Sqwidnet – to name a few – will showcase their AI offerings. The AI Expo Africa 2018 will see the largest pan-African Artificial Intelligence community gather under one roof with a shared vision of harnessing AI for the benefit of Africa.Skills partners like Silicon Cape, Machine Intelligence Institute of Africa, Explore AI and Injini, along with platform providers will assist in creating a skills development programme that will enable Africans to take their place at the forefront of this new technology frontier. 


You can create your own circuit, or route inside Sylodium’s system as China – Africa 4.0, XIAN – Singapore - Southern Africa shipping business, NINGBO – Dubai - West Africa trading INDUSTRY 4.0, Qingdao –Nairobi – Cape Town - Nigeria shipping VIRTUAL INTELLIGENCE items, China South – Middle East - South Africa APPS Ideas 4.0, China – India - West Africa import export VIRTUAL INTELLIGENCE.

Small businesses in SA critical to the 4th Industrial Revolution

Industry 4.0 is drastically changing the work landscape, how we live and how we do things but with the involvement of academic institutions, government, private institutions and the South African society, we can ensure that this digital revolution will only impact the country positively. 

“There is no place to hide from connectivity. South Africa cannot step aside and not participate.  We need to actively participate and shape South African industries to be more competitive in the global market,” said Dall’Omo.

Cybersecurity In Geopolitics And Everyday Business: 

The bulk of this “digital illegal trafficking” may take place on websites with pirated music and video content such as Kinogo and Seasonvar and popular torrent trackers like Torrentino and TFile, offering free access to popular American television shows and movies. These piracy hubs are especially popular in Nigeria, Ghana, and other African and Post-Soviet countries, such as Ukraine and Russia, because internet users often want to have access to free pirated movies and games, but this comes at a great price. As a rule, illegal content distribution hubs position themselves as file-sharing sites so as to hide the true nature of their business, and often similar companies from Ukraine and Russia conduct illegal hacking activities overseas, within the US and EU.


inside Sylodium’s system as China – Africa 4.0, Ningbo – Southern Africa   VIRTUAL INTELLIGENCE , XIAN – East Africa VIRTUAL INTELLIGENCE, Hong Kong – Nigeria APPS 4.0, Qingdao – South Africa APPS IDEAS 4.0, China – East Africa VIRTUAL INTELLIGENCE.

Changing Geopolitics as We Know It

Much has been written about the effect of fossil fuels on geopolitics. The world's highly concentrated deposits of oil, natural gas and coal have helped determine the global balance of power over the past century, giving a small number of energy-rich states, many of them in the Middle East, tremendous influence. Since World War II, the United States has acted as guarantor of global energy security, protecting its own national interests in the process. 

In Sylodium, the ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE and Global trade are linked here in Sylodium via Heminemetics, Logometry, and Rexiology will do it in the unique way can be do it in a global sense.

Make business with Chinese companies with African countries but about "Reasonable and useful TRADE IDEAS for ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE"

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