Why do we want a different world without a different man?
Although, truthfully, man has changed, towards better in many things, to worse in others,
Comfort, sublimates the sentimental,
Welcome comfort, we already know that the sentimental takes us out of our essence (violence), and ends up becoming, sometimes, neurosis.
Could Africa take advantage of its disadvantage in technology, to actually lead the fourth industrial revolution with common sense?
How many technologies are useful, and how many are stupid?
BD and AI are and “will be” very useful in specific fields, and they are and “will be” very stupid in the same specific fields, but can we speak of a BD and AI in global sense?
Would you like to be part of a unique project, earning money while being part of it?
XIAN – Southern Africa ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE , NINGBO – West Africa FIR, Qingdao – Nigeria 4.0 , China South – South Africa Export 4.0, China – West Africa ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE.
If you are in future business, specially between China and Africa, you can be part of our CRYPTOCURRENCY
The UNO is the currency where the American pay 1$ and the Nigerian pay 1 Naira. etc
in Sylodium you can build your own BCB (beneficial circuit business) in China to Africa exchanging START UPS with products services, ALL BILATERAL TRADE projects, patents, spaces and money (our UNOS) inside our system, contact us here info@sylodium.com and make money together with us.
Axis X – Our Ontology
x1 Essence: Representation and Reproduction of words
x2 Subjects , words, things, men.
x3 FACTS. Brinsemia, Semantic.
x4 Phenomena – Logometry. Syntax.
x5 New Class – New language, new Software.
Axis Z. Our Potentiality
z1 Ideas: AI for general things.
z2 Categories: Planes, Reality and Language, Men and World, World and Men
z3 Entities: Geometrical ones.
z4 Here and now,
z5 History: Human intelligence, Virtual Intelligence, real Artficial Intelligence.
Axis Y. Our Reality
y1 Nature – Human Language.
y2 Principles – Spanish Grammar.
y3 Rules – Translate the senses to vectors.
y4 Structure: How men see the world.
y5 Talking with sense with the machine
Djibouti hopes the international trade zone will not only boost its position as a trade and logistics hub but will also create employment for its youth. On top of that, it’s hoping it will provide a strategic base for global businesses hoping to access the rapidly growing African market. Along with Djibouti, the DIFTZ will be managed with three other Chinese companies, namely: China Merchants Group, Dalian Port Authority, and IZP.
At a political level, this was underpinned by the Forum for China Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), which beginning in 2000 brought together African heads of state and the Chinese leadership on the occasion of triennial summits. At the most recent FOCAC summit in Johannesburg, China pledged support of US$60 billion over the period 2015-18. China’s recently-launched Belt and Road Initiative carries the potential for providing further financing for Africa.
AI can also create new opportunities for Africa, enhancing labor productivity and providing cheaper and more reliable services, for example in education and health care. But reaping these benefits will require nimble policies, both in the economic and social areas. This is likely the most important challenge – and not only for Africa.
Can the Belt and Road Initiative help address this challenge?
You can create your own circuit, or route inside Sylodium’s system as China – Africa 4.0, XIAN – Southern Africa , NINGBO – West Africa INDUSTRY 4.0, Qingdao – Nigeria VIRTUAL INTELLIGENCE , China South – South Africa APPS Ideas 4.0, China – West Africa VIRTUAL INTELLIGENCE.
The impact of Industry 4.0—the next phase in the digitization of the manufacturing sector driven by computing power, connectivity, and new forms of human-machine interaction—will be wide and profound. It offers exciting opportunities for African manufacturers and small and medium enterprises to create new business models and integrate into global value chains
By the middle of the century (2049), marking the centennial anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), China aims to become a “great modern socialist country.” With Xi firmly establishing a one-man rule , removing any term limits on his presidency and eliminating all real and perceived rivals, he could very well stay in power until the fruition of this grand strategy of Middle Kingdom “ national rejuvenation .”
inside Sylodium’s system as China – Africa 4.0, Ningbo – Southern Africa VIRTUAL INTELLIGENCE , XIAN – East Africa VIRTUAL INTELLIGENCE, Hong Kong – Nigeria APPS 4.0, Qingdao – South Africa APPS IDEAS 4.0, China – East Africa VIRTUAL INTELLIGENCE.
Small businesses will be critical to South Africa in the 4th industrial revolution while access to information will revolutionize education. This was highlighted at an insightful panel discussion in Midrand on Thursday.
The topic debated was: “Is South Africa Ready for the 4th Industrial Revolution?”
As a large and populated country with a fast-growing economy, Ethiopia plays an important role in the geopolitics of the Horn of Africa. Two recent moves clearly signal its willingness to further increase its regional influence: first, the unprecedented offer to accept a negotiated settlement on the longstanding dispute with neighboring Eritrea; second, its declared intention to develop a Navy in spite of its status as a landlocked state.
Many believe that China and indeed Russia’s hybrid, cyber and information practices delve in to digital geopolitical espionage, a notion theorized in Africa in the release of propaganda to support integration in many emerging economies and later copied in the commercial space and in pursuit of information, the currency of the next generation.
There was a time when the ‘Internet of Things’ served as the scourge of authoritarian and kleptocratic leaders who blamed it for fomenting the Arab Spring and a myriad of color revolutions. However, to date, Russia, China, South Africa, Nigeria and North Korea are nations with citizenry purportedly well-trained as to how to utilize these tools.
AI Expo Africa is building the largest inclusive Pan-African AI Community to lead the 4th Industrial Revolution on the continent.
The Expo & Conference to be held on the 9th to 11th of September 2018, will showcase African AI talent and provide free skills development workshops from the likes of Intel for young engineers, data scientists, students and entrepreneurs.
In Sylodium, the ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE and Global trade are linked here in Sylodium via Heminemetics, Logometry, and Rexiology will do it in the unique way can be do it in a global sense.
Make business with Chinese companies with African countries but about "Reasonable and useful TRADE IDEAS for ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE"