Rules and game for new global system businesses.

Are you in China – Africa trade 4.0?

Create your own APP or Appendix inside Sylodium’s system as China – Africa 4.0, Ningbo – Southern Africa AUTOMATIC BUSINESS 4.0 , XIAN – East Africa   AUTOMATED BUSINESS 4.0, Hong Kong – Nigeria BUSINESS  4.0, Qingdao – South Africa GAME BUSINESS  4.0, China – East Africa GAME 4.0. 

If you are in future business, specially between China and Africa, you can be part of our CRYPTOCURRENCY

The UNO is the currency where the American pay 1$ and the Nigerian pay 1 Naira. etc

in Sylodium you can build your own BCB (beneficial circuit business) in China to Africa exchanging START UPS with products services, ALL BILATERAL TRADE projects, patents, spaces and money (our UNOS) inside our system, contact us here, and make money together with us. 

Be part of the future ready generation of 2020 tapping the Belt and Road from China to Africa.

Debt-trap, Diplomacy and the Belt and Road Initiative

The One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiative is a key instrument by which China will increase its presence in global trade and this project is imperative in realising China’s vision of global dominance as well. The OBOR is an ambitious string of infrastructure initiatives that will realize the modernisation of two ancient trade routes linked to China through land and sea:

1 Silk Road Economic Belt: A land-based trade route that will increase links between China and Europe.

2 Maritime Silk Road: A series of maritime infrastructure projects spanning the South Asian, Pacific and Gulf regions.

All these routes, from city to city, all shipping business from port to dealer, all movement of companies, item, places, etc will be ordered in systematic way via Sylodium and our coming AI APPS: as Logometry: 

It is not enough that he is not a place (like the place of non-existence) it must be a place plus a vector (a contrary sense), a vector above (in hierarchy) of the place, so that the "no (no p)" be "p", and pass the same, always, with "q" or "r" or "s" etc

In logometry, propositions are common (arrow frames ), and words are points (referents),

On the other hand, in brinsemia, it's just the other way around.

When I look at the (my) world from my consciousness I see it whole,

If I go to the extreme limit of the world and look from there my conscience,

I see propositions (more less common) coming out of my consciousness reduced to a point,

Solipsism and Realism, Points of View in Logometry

Rexiology APP about for ex. China –Africa new business? Would yo dare to complete the essence, principles, etc.?

Axis X – (Our) Ontology

x1 Essence: x2 Subjects x3 FACTS.  x4 Phenomena x5 New Class 

Axis Z. (Our) Potentiality

z1 Ideas. z2 Categories. z3 Entities z4 Here and now. z5 History

Axis Y. (Our) Reality

y1 Nature . y2 Principles. y3 Rules. y4 Structure.  y5 The Power,  The truth. The Tech. 

do more mathematics towards the language that towards things,

after all, we know more about facts than about things (in themselves),

Space time

Rumboide and Mientralism

JOBS 4.0

Will 5 million jobs in Vietnam be lost in the 4.0 industrial revolution?

VietNamNet Bridge - Tran Anh Tuan, deputy director of the HCMC Center for Human Resources Forecasting and Labor Market Information, cited an ILO report as saying that the risk of losing jobs has increased in the 4.0 industrial revolution era. 

Do you agree?

We don’t

China – Africa 4.0.

China's Aggression Is Starting to Backfire?  

There is an argument that the West got China wrong . It argues that the assumption that China’s economic opening would lead to its political liberalization and transformation into a “ responsible stakeholder ” was incorrect?.

In fact, American policy advisors even concluded that basing Washington’s policy towards China on these assumptions has been  a failure . 

This point-of-view claims China is a country that not only has taken advantage of the rules-based world order but also one that got away with it abusing it. China has grown into a monstrous economic power that is not constrained by the global rules, but instead is a “ ruthless stakeholder .”?

China Positions Itself at the Heart of African Infrastructure 

The battle for influence in Africa is one of the greatest power-plays left to upset the traditional balance of power in the international community. Africa’s relatively young labor force, untapped business opportunities, thirst for technological injection, strategic location and role as a resource bridge between east and west is attractive to many. 


You can create your own circuit, or route inside Sylodium’s system as China – Africa FIR, XIAN – Singapore - Southern Africa shipping business, NINGBO – Dubai - West Africa trading INDUSTRY FIR, Qingdao –Nairobi – Cape Town - Nigeria shipping BUSINESS FIR items, China South – Middle East - South Africa GAME Business 4.0, China – India - West Africa import export APPS 4.0.

On track with its Belt & Road Initiative

President Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is an incredibly ambitious strategy to broaden Chinese access to international and domestic markets by securing and leveraging land and maritime trade routes, resulting in new patterns of trade, capital flow, resource access and business expansion.

It has the potential to facilitate regional collaboration on the most extensive global scale ever seen, reaching as much as a third of the world’s GDP, 65 percent of the world’s population and tapping into a quarter of the movement of goods and services globally.

China is currently the world’s second-largest economy and is on a trajectory to become the world’s next leading superpower. China has been heavily covered by mainstream media as it has taken a central role in the global political arena. This path to dominance in the global political and socio-economic context hinges on several key aspects.

Here are the roads, here is the rejuvenation

“Wanna be rich? Build roads first!”

Today, driving and logistic mobility are more convenient and efficient in Rwanda, the landlocked country of a thousand hills. The tiny economic powerhouse of East Africa reached a record 6.1 percent GDP growth in 2017.

Investment Means Influence

Through the Forum on Chinese-African Cooperation (FOCAC), China committed $60 billion in funding in 2015 alone, tripling its 2012 commitment of $20 billion.

Recent reports estimate Chinese banks, contractors and the government combined have extended $94.4 billion between 2000 and 2015. Success in the development of pilot programmes engaging local infrastructure industry in development and skills exchange, including construction of large industrial parks, has proved profitable for all parties.

Trade Business related with INDUSTRY 4.0. Are you there yet?


 XIAN – Southern Africa CYBERNETICS TRADE, NINGBO – West Africa FIR, Qingdao – Nigeria FIR , China South – South Africa Export FIR, China – West Africa CYBERNETICS TRADE

In Sylodium, the IDEAS 4.0 and Global Business Structure are linked here in Sylodium via Heminemetics, Logometry, and Rexiology will do it in the unique way can be do it in a global sense.

Make business with Chinese companies with African countries but about "Reasonable and useful TRADE IDEAS for Industry 4.0"