Brazil-China (Sylodium, export to China from Brazil)

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  1. Brazil-China trade will continue to increase in 2015.
  2. Trade between Brazil and China in 2015 may reverse a downward trend as commodity prices are recovering and Brazil will export more manufactured goods to China.
  3. Brazil-China trade dropped significantly in 2014, with Brazilian exports to China tumbling by more than 10 percent.
  4. There was a reduction in the price of commodities, of iron ore, soybeans and especially oil, but China will continue to be Brazil's main trade partner.
  5. Processed foods like corned beef and palm heart can be sold in China, as the country is a great importer of this sort of products.
  6. Pharmaceutical and beauty products, all sort of vegetable-based manufactured products and processed foods could benefit from the Shanghai free trade zone, according to Tavares.


Population: 193.946.886 (5th) 

GDP per cápita: $11.875 (77th)


Population: 1.353.821.00 (1st)

GDP per cápita: $9.161 (91st) 

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