Ecuador – Spain (Sylodium, all bilateral trade)

Spain - Ecuador

If you want to do business between Spain - Ecuador, for example, you’ll have to use Sylodium

The mother of all bilateral trade.

But if you are looking for job opportunities, read the end of this article


1.- The Ecuadorean emigration boom to Spain began in 1999 and now has go down but still is the second-biggest in Spain after the Moroccan community

2.- The bilateral trade flowbetween Ecuador and Spain has been relatively very low.

3.- Conclusión, Spain must encourage other policies that go beyond the basic framework of human rights, is that to say, business, trade and investment


Population: 15.223.680 (65th)

GDP: $153,2 trillion (61th)

GDP per cápita: $10.055 (91th)


Población: 46.030.109 (27).

PIB: $ 1,411 billón (14a).

PIB per cápita: $ 30,557 (27)

Ecuador's economy is the eighth largest in Latin America after Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela and Chile.

Futhermore agrobusiness, Software, Petroleum and Gold mining are keys in Ecuador

Ecuador introduced reforms to its Hydrocarbon Law obliging foreign oil companies that are operating in the country to pay the State at least 50% of the profits made from their oil fields.

FTA negotiations of Ecuador look from as if Ecuador were moving in the same direction as its Bolivia and Venezuela.

If you are looking for job opportunities,

If you are from Ecuador

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Online Business opportunities

For companies 

Take a look at Cámara Oficial Española de Comercio del Ecuador

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