EU - Morocco, Free Trade (By Sylodium, international trade directory)

The European Union began talks with Morocco on a free-trade deal last Friday, the EU's first in a planned series aimed at deepening trade ties with North African nations two years after a wave of Arab uprisings. The negotiations are the first part of a European strategy to draw North African neighbours closer to the 27-country EU. Trade between the EU and Morocco amounted to roughly 24 billion Euros of goods in 2011, and the EU is keen to open up trade in the services sector. Morocco is the largest recipient of European neighbourhoods aid, money given to the EU's immediate periphery, with 580.5 million Euros ($760 million) earmarked for 2011-2013, according to the European Commission. Sylodium (global import export directory) you can advertise for free your company or your project, at the intersection of cities that you want, for example; Rabat (Morocco) - Brussels (Belgium) or any city around the World.
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