European – African business (Sylodium, economic blocs)

Between simple aid to Africa and exploitation as UK has done, there are a middle way much better like Norway, no?

Do you want to be in  EFTA - SACU business opportunity?

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1.- EFTA, 4 countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland

2.- SACU, 5 countries of Southern Africa: Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa and Swaziland.

3.- Conclusion, EFTA – SACU involves 20 (5 x 4) bilateral trade relationships

South Africa – Switzerland

Norway – Botswana….

All of them, the 20, in Sylodium



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Then you will already take a great advantage in Internet, and new business opportunities.

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3 Propose us somebody to Make money representing your country  related with the rest of the world. 

Imagine you become our Sylodium’s representing in Botswana, Search in Sylodium potential businesses in BOTSWANA. For example.


AD example, RMG

Then, you can offer to this company the way to sell their products in BOTSWANA.

You can get much Money from your searching inside the Web, if you are looking for potential business matches for Premium Users and Free Users, finding out in Sylodium’s ads, referencing them in the Global Contest Forum, and contact them offering them intermediation via Sylodium.

The reasonable commission should be starting 2 % over the total amount.

From this percentage.

80% per you if you become administrator in BOTSWANA and 20 % for Sylodium.

We know that import export business, suppose some times big amounts of money.



Not sad pictures of what is happening in the world but real changes.

better information about positive developments what is going on in the world, in schools, in TV and media and how western countries have a negative impact on developing countries.

Aid is just one part of a bigger picture; we must have cooperation and investments, and change other structures that hold back development in poorer countries. Aid is not the only answer.


 FTA between EFTA and SACU

The Agreement is the first FTA that the EFTA States concluded with another trading bloc to achieve the liberalisation of trade in goods (in asymmetrical way, EFTA all at first, SACU did ti gradually) in conformity with the relevant WTO provisions

setting out principles of economic co-operation and technical assistance.

a least developed country as Lesotho becomes an EFTA free trade partner with Norway!!!!

EFTA’s main export products to SACU were pharmaceutical products, machinery and mechanical appliances,

the main products imported from SACU were precious stones and metals, nickel, and aluminium.


Areas covered by the EFTA-SACU FTA

Most industrial goods,

fish and other marine products,

basic agricultural products

in asymmetrical way, by giving SACU improved preferential access to the EFTA markets and by going beyond the existing preferential regimes in place.


co-operation and exchange of information to avoid anti-competitive practices

A Joint Committee

composed of representatives of the EFTA States and the SACU States will supervise and administer the application of the Agreement about


Investment and Government Procurement

Economic Co-operation and Technical Assistance

Institutional and Procedural Provisions

Intellectual Property 


we can say that we have bring the future of international trade to present in internet just representing the reality.

not only for our "connecting - countries/cities" system

but also for our next step

The connections must include also the actors

Each relationship of actors, will be a page for business,

we offer you 2 ways of working with us

First, representing SYlodium in your area

Second, managing one of these appendixes will be introduced


Sales on line

Forum - Game


What is international trade focused to the future

Contact us, we will explain you about your work and tell us how do you see the future of one of these appendixes

Regarding companies,

In Sylodium,

You do not only have the opportunity with African - European business

Botswana - Norway

You have Access to All countries and cities, related with all countries and cities,

Joining us and advertise for free to be seen 

Then you will already take a great advantage in Internet



if you'd want to reach new business realities join us as Premium user to take advantage of Barter (transactions), segmentation Banner, and our 2 business networkings.

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