Kazakhstan - Algeria(Sylodium, export to Kazakhstan from Alegria)

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  1. Kazakhstan - Algeria, discuss energy and trade cooperation.
  2. They discussed cooperation in energy, trade, as well as collaboration within international organizations and topical issues on the international agenda.
  3. Foreign stressed that Kazakhstan was seeking to strengthen its position in the Arab world in general and in the Maghreb countries, in particular.
  4. Kazakhstan considers Algeria as their reliable and constructive partner on the African continent and in the Arab world.
  5. During the meeting they underlined the consistent development of comprehensive cooperation between Kazakhstan and African countries after receiving in 2013 the status of observer member of the African Union.
  6. Kazakhstan could offer a wide range of goods and products that could be of interest to Algerian economy, including metallurgy, chemical industry, oil industry, as well as agriculture.
  7.  Kazakhstan emphasized that a meeting of representatives of business circles of the two countries would have a positive impact on the development of trade and economic relations between the two countries.


Population: 16.674.023 (61th)

GDP per cápita: $10,694 (70th)


Population: 37.100.000 (34th) 

GDP per cápita: $7.400 (103th)

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