Potential participation with International Trade Institutions

we do the example with CCI France, just an example,

This is our proposal,

Going directly to the subject (obviously this proposal could be changed, just is our point of starting, and sure, we should explain the detail of each point) 

our proposal is:

1.- The 6 banners of France – Nigeria (and their cities) FOREVER, French cities with Nigerian cities. (Lagos – Paris, Kano – Nantes….) for your institution, and companies you’d decide

2.- The incomes from next Premium Users FOREVER, that would join in that crossings France – Nigera (and their cities), FIFTY –FIFTY, 50% for you – 50% for Sylodium


(The same conditions would be extending to all France CCI, with the rest of their countries  they work, France – Malaysia, France – Egypt………)



the promotion of Sylodium in your side, between your members.