Real Madrid in Algeria. Algeria, Spain (Sylodium, barter experts)

if you want to do business between Algeria and Spain and you want to be seen in Internet,

You’ll have to use Sylodium, The Global Platform for Bilateral trade.


  1. Algeria is not only fuel industry, is also tourism, minerals or quality agroproducts. Spain is much more than tourism or jam, is also Pharma industry or Automotive industry
  2. Algeria and Spain actually are neighbors as we know that sea join dont isolate
  3. So, Spain and Algeria should deepen penetration activities much more between them.

Do you have in mind some business between Algeria Spain?

Do you want to import from Spain to Argelia but the bank don’t loan you the money you need?

Via barter operations, triangular operations, you could get the funds you need to import if you export some item to China or France at the same time you import from Spain, for example.

Talk with us, we’ll explain you better

After join us and advertise for free to be seen if you'd desire we’ll contact with you to help also directly to your business to success via our barter experts.  


Talking just a bit about football,

Algeria is part of the Strategy of Real Madrid to reconquer north of Africa vs Barcelona and to help countries not too much developed.

Zidane can help to this strategy.

the Real Madrid disputed a friendly match in Algeria at the end of this season

Although we know that not all in life is football,


Population: 37.100.000 (34th) . GDP: $254,7 trillion (47th). GDP per cápita: $7.400 (103th)


Population: 46.030.109 (27th). GDP: $1.411 trillion (14th). GDP per cápita: $30.557 (27th)


2014 Trade Balance. -5.359.328,66 unfavorable for Spain

Exports of Spain to Algeria 3.701.063,19

Exports of Algeria to Spain 9.060.391,85

TOP products

Imports of Algeria from Spain: 1st. 2nd 947,668.44 steel products. Automobiles. 488,045.9

Imports of Spain from Algeria: 1st 2nd Fuels and lubricants 8,557,692.99. Defense and military security 271,148.45

You won’t have any problem to find in Internet about air algérie, air algiers, Or about daily routes from Alicante and Barcelona to Algiers and Oran, also from France and Italy, ferry to spain, ferry, direct ferries, etc

But about bilateral trade information about both countries you’ll have to find out and enter and ask in these links

Spanish embassy Algiers

embajada de españa en Argelia

algerian consulate in Alicante

Cámara de comercio HispanoArgelina

But in Sylodium,

not only you have the opportunity with Argelian business and Spanish businesses

Madrid (Spain) - Constantine (Algeria),

Or Madrid to whole Algeria, and your advertise will be published (just one click) in

Alicante – Oran, Barcelona – Algiers, Murcia – Setif…..

You have Access to All countries related with all countries

All cities with all cities.

If you select Middle East and Maghreb countries, 130 main cities (just one click)

Joining us and avertise for free to be seen 

Then you will already take a great advantage in Internet

Also, if you'd want to study new business opportunities our Barter experts could contact to you after your ads if you'd desire.