Industria - OTHERS

Commercial Chain Link Fence

Six feet high commercial chain link fence is the most commonly used in protecting buildings, parking lot, backstops or any where that should be protected from intruders. Compared with residential chain link fabric, commercial has heavier wire gauge and…

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Residential Chain Link Fence

Residential chain link fence is the most popular and economical solution for most families in USA. Its transparent nature provides maximum visibility, which is helpful to property protection. It comes with varied specifications of wire gauges, sizes…

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Green Chain Link Fence Fabric

Green color-coated chain link fence is another popular perimeter fence for the green color is suitable for most surroundings. Vinyl-coating to zinc-coated steel wire adds an extra protective layer compared with typical galvanized chain fence. It has…

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GBW Chain Link Fence Fabric

GBW chain link fence or galvanized before weaving chain link fence refers to the wire that has been hot-dip galvanized before weaving into chain-link fabric. This results a smooth finish on the wire, which will not hurt children as well as pets. However,…

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GAW Chain Link Fence Fabric

GAW or Galvanized After Weaving chain link fence means the chain-link fabric can not be galvanized unless after weaving. This process ensures all surfaces including cut ends of the fabric are drawn through a bath of molten zinc. A thick zinc-coating…

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