Buscador de Sylodium: galvanized


Galvanized Wire Hanger

Galvanized steel wire hanger mainly used for laundry, hotel and industry laundry etc., wire hangers are made of hard galvanized steel wire. There are suit, notched, shirt, skirt, coat, strut hangers etc. and trouser guards, shoulder guards etc. paper…

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Electro Galvanized wire

We supply different size electro galvanized iron wire. We supply galv. drawn iron wire in all size. Wire packed in spool, 6 spool in one box, unit spool weight 4.25 kg. Size: 01. 0.285mm 02. 0.33mm 03. 0.42mm 04. 0.47mm 05. 0.50mm 06. 0.59mm. Electro…

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Galvanized Steel Ground Wire

Material: Zinc coated galv. steel wire for optical ground wire ( OPGW ) coring. Resistivity :Typical value of galvanized steel wire is 0,19157 Ωmm² /m. Torsion Test : The specimen shall be twisted untill fracture occurs by applying for not exceeding…

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High Carbon Steel Wire BTC Galvanized for Fences - Ø 2,76 mm

Wire material for manufacture of razor barbed wire and fences: Galvanized wire, high carbon steel, diameter 2,76mm and minimum 50g/square meter zinc rate The detailed specification as following: PRODUCT: WIRE BTC GALVANIZED FOR FENCES - Ø 2,76 mm. Manufactured…

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Hot Dipped Galvanized High Carbon Steel Wire for ACSR

Hot Dipped Galvanized High Carbon Steel Wire for ACSR (Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced) Cables - Ø 2.68mm PRODUCT: High carbon steel wire with hot dip galvanizing, mainly used as reinforcing cable wire for verhead transmission and distribution conductors.…

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