

If your target markets are Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, and Bolivia,  visit www.Sylodium.com

瓦伦西亚 - 波哥大 …Etc

安第斯共同体 (Spanish: Comunidad Andina. CAN) 

1.- If Bolivia and Ecuador access Mercosur they will have to withdraw from CAN.
2.- The future of the CAN is not very encouraging, the same as 南方共同市场.

If we order members of CAN from higher GDP per capita to lower.

  1. 秘鲁. In last years the Peruvian economy has had a remarkable level of growth only comparable to China.

Population: 30.475.144 (40th). GDP per cápita: $11.403 (85th)

  1.  哥伦比亚. Part of emerging CIVETS. Its GDP PPP also ranked fourth in Latin America behind Argentina, Mexico and Brazil.

Population: 46.366.364 (27th). GDP per cápita: $10.791 (86th)

  1. 厄瓜多尔. The economy of Ecuador is the eighth in size and Latin America experienced an average growth of 4.6% between 2000 and 2006

 Population: 15.223.680 (65th). GDP per cápita: $10.055 (91th)

  1. 玻利维亚. The main economic activities are mining and natural gas extraction

Population: 10.389.913 (83th). GDP per cápita: $5.099 (111th)


利马(秘鲁) - 波哥大(哥伦比亚)

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