If you want to export to Southern African countries use www.sylodium.com. All country crossings you'd desire.
孟买 - 约翰内斯堡 (Just an example)
前身為1980年4月1日成立的 1992年8月17日正式成立SADC. 總部設於波札那首都嘉柏隆里,工作語言為英語、法語、葡語和南非語,
EAC, COMESA and SADC, to launch a FTZ
Only South Africa has four-fifths of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the 12 SADC members.
Population 240.000.000
GDP of SADC aprox. $ 750 trillion
If we order from Highest GDP to lower GDP,
南非. Population 52.982.000 (24th). GDP (PPP) Tota $578.6 trillion (25th)
安哥拉. Population 18.498.000 (56th). GDP (PPP) Total $128.3 trillion (64th)
坦桑尼亚. Population 44.929.002 (40th) . GDP (PPP) Total $73.8 trillion ( 81th)
刚果(金). Population 77.433.744 (19th). GDP (PPP) Total $55 trillion
博茨瓦纳. Botswana's competitive banking system is one of Africa's most advanced. Gemstones and precious metals. Population 2.029.307 (144th). GDP (PPP) Total 31,5 trillion (105th)
莫桑比克. Population 23.929.70 (50th). GDP (PPP) Total $26.2 trillion (113th)
毛里求斯. Population 1.291.456 (151st). GDP (PPP) Total $20.2 trillion
纳米比亚. including mining for gem diamonds. uranium. gold. silver. and base metals.Population 2.100.000 (142th). GDP (PPP) Total $16.7 trillion (131th)
赞比亚. Population 14.309.466 (70th). GDP (PPP) Total 14.3 (70th)
马拉维 Population 14.901.000 (64th) . GDP (PPP) Total $14.2 trillion (135th)
津巴布韦. Population. 13.227.000. GDP Total $7,7 trillion.
斯威士兰. disastrous HIV epidemic. Population 1.185.000 (154th). GDP (PPP) Total $6.2 trillion (154th)
莱索托. Population 2.067.000 (144th). GDP (PPP) Total $4 trillion (159th)
o en cualquier ciudad del Mundo. Elija sus mercados objetivo.