

If you want to import export to any European country use www.sylodium.com  

(The global platform for bilateral trade) . All country crossings you'd desire.

孟买 - 柏林 (Just an example)



1.- The total GDP of EU -28 is a bit higher than the GDP of USA

2,. We have to distinguish Eurozone of the European Union, where Former CEFTA countries (except Slovakia), baltics countries (except Estonia) and Sweden, Denmark, and UK that don’t have the currency EURO.

3.-Actually there are a hard battle between the different European countries. What os good for Germany, can be bad for Spain.

4.-The economic gap between  Northern Eurozone (mainly Nordic countries, Germany, and Netherlands) and Southern Europe currently is increasing, so people speak about two Europes (two speeds).

In Sylodium (global import export directory, city and country / crossing system) you can advertise for free your company or your project, at the intersection of cities and/or countries you’d desire, like

  MIlan (Italy) – Berlin (Germany)

Or any city around the world

Sylodium, the best way to export in Internet.