

If you want to export to any Latin American country, use www.sylodium.com (International trade directory)

上海 - 布宜诺斯艾利斯  (Just an example) 



The Latin American Integration Association (LAIA / ALADI in Spanish) is an international and regional scope organization that include all Latin American countries except the members of CAFTA, and the members of CARICOM,:

Is that to say:

阿根廷, 智利, 玻利维亚, B巴西, 乌拉圭, 巴拉圭, 厄瓜多尔, 秘鲁, 哥伦比亚, 委内瑞拉, 巴拿马, C古巴 , y 墨西哥.

In Sylodium (global import export directory, city and country / crossing system) you can advertise for free your company or your project, at the intersection of cities and/or countries you’d desire, like

墨西哥 - 阿根廷

Or any city or country around the world

Choose your target Markets

You’ll be seen by people you want to be seen.