貿易協定, 在欧洲中部

貿易協定, 在欧洲中部

Export CEFTA (some Balkan) countries. (Sylodium, import export business)

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中歐自由貿易協定是在冷戰結束後,於1992年12 日在波蘭的克拉科夫簽訂,由維謝格拉德集團, 波蘭、捷克斯洛伐克、匈牙利, 成員國組成.

The Central European countries that belongs to EU are all of them former CEFTA countries

The lowest GDP per cápita of former CEFTA that is Romania that is now in the UE as the rest of former CEFTA (Slovenia, Czhec Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Croatia, and Bulgaria), is higher that the highest GDP per capita of CEFTA, Montenegro.

The total population is about 22.000.000 inhabitants

The GDP per capita  $ 8.400

if we order the 7 countries members of CEFTA from highest to lowest GDP per capita:

  1. 黑山

Population: 625.266

GDP per cápita: $ 11.800

  1. 塞尔维亚

Population: 7.186.862 (excluding Kosovo) (100th)

GDP per cápita: $ 10.788 (excluding Kosovo) (82nd)

  1. 马其顿

Population: 2.058.539 (146th)

GDP per cápita: $ 10.718 (77th)

  1.  阿尔巴尼亚

Population: 3.011.405

GDP per cápita: $ 8.500

  1. 波斯尼亚

Population: 3.839.737 (128th)

GDP per cápita: $8.215 (88th)

  1. 科索沃           

Population: 1.733.842     (150th)

GDP per cápita: $ 7.043      (98th)

  1. 摩尔多瓦. (also member of CIS countries)

Population: 3.559.500 (132nd)

GDP per cápita: $ 4.182 (114th)


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