Eric's Switching Africa to LED Lighting scheme

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New from Bournemouth Daily Echo

Meet the man using his passion for solar power to help change lives in South Africa

The heating for his Wimborne home, the hot water in his shower, even the charger for his laptop are all fired by the sun.

A keen experimenter and product developer, Eric's house has become a show piece for his creations. But his work is set to create global benefits, as he prepares to join a community project in South Africa.

"I am now, at the age of 70, going to spend three weeks in a rural village that educates young orphan children with AIDS and HIV, to show them how they can benefit from the greater use of renewable energy away from the expensive, unreliable Eksom grid supply," he explains.,

"The next phase is to switch the water well pump to a solar power pump to service six water storage tanks across the village."

Eric's Switching Africa to LED Lighting scheme earned him an Energy Globe Award for the best project in Senegal, which he will receive in October, and also caught the eye of the Canadian founders of the CSW community initiative in South Africa.

"They took in six or seven orphaned children with AIDS and HIV in 1990," explains Eric of the charity's creation.

"Now they have got 200. They educate them and feed them. They've got volunteers and they needed someone who had experience in solar energy and skills needed to install it, to train people.

"I was put forward by this guy that I've known since I was born and they sent me an invitation agreement for me to spend three weeks in this community village in South Africa to help them change all their old appliances.

"Hopefully, from that project, we can use the model to use in other parts of Africa."

Eric, who promotes himself as a solutions provider, is now searching for a UK partner who can sponsor his flight to enable him to take part in the project.

"It's not about making a pile of money, it's about doing something that matters," he says.


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