European HR in Africa

African with Chinese and European HR.

Africa and China, to develop a conceptual framework that incorporates critiques of North–South interactions including Dependency Theories that posit First World development is based on Third World underdevelopment

A growing South–South dynamic may be integrated into a consideration of power dynamics and cultural crossvergence

what about African HR 4.0 towards China or EU, in the other way?

Do you have good ideas to introduce HR 4.0 in Africa from China or EU and vice versa?

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African HR with EU and China

You dominate your import-export niches: feel the power"

China’s investment in human resource development in Africa, especially in higher education, through several programmes including long- and short-term training of Africans in China, Confucius Institutes, stand-alone projects, and the 20+20 scheme for higher education cooperation between China and Africa

Tap Chinafrica and EUAFrica relations via SYlodium!!

Our logical business system, allows you to segment your target markets to be seen, and dominate the bilateral trade niches you choose from EU and China to Africa about 4.0 trade.

Africa is on the way to realising the 4.4 per cent growth in Agriculture per annum as envisaged in the formation of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Program (CAADP)  in 2003 by African heads of state in Maputo, Mozambique.

 African Union - European Union Summit: Investing in Youth for a Sustainable Future

New from European Commission

The 5th African Union - European Union Summit took place on 29-30 November in Abidjan, under the overarching theme of Youth. The Summit brought together leaders from 55 African Union and 28 European Union Member States.

European leaders presented, and African partners welcomed the EU's innovative External Investment Plan (EIP), which will mobilise €44 billion of private investments for sustainable development and job creation. Special attention will be paid to enhancing entrepreneurship of women and young people. The newly launched Sustainable Business for Africa Platform (SB4A) will allow for structured dialogue with the European and African private sector.

Forum on China-Africa Cooperation: The Politics of Human Resource Development 

New from Africa Institute of South Africa (AISA) »

Since the establishment of the Forum on ChinaAfrica Cooperation (FOCAC), China and Africa have had substantial dialogues about furthering various aspects of human resource development and cooperation between the two sides. The Chinese government has firmly kept its promises to provide the human resource assistance to African countries within the stipulated time. This book assesses specific measures raised under FOCAC which include training and exchange, human resource development, medical cooperation and knowledge production. It further examines the impact of the FOCAC initiatives on human resources capacity. From an African continental side, options are being provided to develop human resource capital on the continent.

Furthermore, what does it mean for China to promote human resource capacity and development through cultural or public diplomacy? And what does it mean for Africa to engage in the human resource development initiatives in a joint fashion?