Ambassadors to the 159-member WTO were meeting to review progress towards a possible deal to be signed in Bali in December, which would cut red tape from customs procedures, adding as much as $1 trillion to global trade. At the insistence of developing countries who objected to having to shoulder most of the burden of the red-tape reforms, a Bali agreement would also include limited reforms to rules on food and agriculture and special treatment for poor countries. The deal would be a boost for the world economy, the scale of the negotiation has been massively cut back from the far more ambitious "Doha Round" of trade talks, which dragged on for a decade before finally collapsing in 2011. Sylodium (global import export directory) you can advertise for free your company or your project, at the intersection of cities that you want, for example;布鲁塞尔(比利时) - 纽约(美国) or any city around the World.