东亚,区域贸易 (Sylodium, 国际的 贸易 目录)

FTA between China and South Korea will be pushed forward as the first step toward broader East Asian cooperation, among the planned free trade areas, the one between China, Japan and the Republic of Korea, three economic powerhouses of Asia, is definitely of key importance to the region. But to achieve that goal, each pair will have to establish a bilateral FTA first. Data from Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Export-Import Bank of Korea show that 32.2 percent of products of the ROK-invested enterprises in China are sold back to the ROK, much higher than the 18.2 percent of Japan. Japanese research also shows that the ROK would benefit more from an FTA with China. A $27.8 billion increase in the ROK's exports of mechanical and electrical products is predicted, raising its GDP by 2.5 percent; besides, more opportunities will emerge from increased consumption and the opening of its services market. In marked contrast, Japan would lose $7 billion's worth of export opportunities to the two countries each year. Sylodium (international trade directory) you can advertise for free your company or your project, at the intersection of cities that you want, for example; 北京(中国) - 东京(日本),首尔(韩国) - 北京(中国)or any city around the World.

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