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3.- 结论,东盟 - 中东地区涉及210(10×21)的双边贸易关系

印度尼西亚 - 土耳其

沙特阿拉伯 - 越南......。




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Western countries have been always the largest recipients of Middle East money, however ASEAN now is an impressive attractive new destination.

Just The ASEAN-5 (Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines and Singapore) collectively received more in FDI than China


UAE International Petroleum Investment Company - $6.7 billion in Malaysia.

Qatar’s commitment to a $4 billion petrochemical project in Vietnam and $10 billion in Malaysia.

However, Indonesia does not possess the economic relationship with the Middle East currently enjoyed by many of its neighbors.

However, by the moment, Middle Eastern countries prefer Chinese or U.S. products due to their familiarity

ASEAN countries will need $705 billion of investment in infrastructure to supply fossil fuels between 2013 and 2035, with Indonesia accounting for nearly 45 percent of the total. 

These requirements provide more FDI entry points for Middle-Eastern countries in the energy sector in ASEAN, and specifically Indonesia.



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