中国 - 印度商业(Sylodium信息,进出口平台)

双边贸易中国 - 印度,迈向双边贸易美国 - 欧洲?

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1.- 中国,大约10个主要城市在世界上,北京,上海,香港,宁波,深圳,广州,天津,厦门,南京,苏州...

2.- 印度,孟买,新德里,加尔各答,钦奈,海得拉巴,班加罗尔,艾哈迈达巴德,坎普尔,等

3.- 结束语,中国 - 印度,涉及80(10×8)的双边贸易关系,有超过5.000 x5.000居民,在他们每个人

北京 - 新德里,钦奈 - 广州,香港 - 加尔各答,宁波 - 孟买等




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中国 - 印度商业

China–India relations, also called Sino-Indian relations

Cultural and economic relations between China and India date back to ancient times.

1950 when India was among the first countries to end formal ties with Taiwan and recognizing China as the legitimate government of Mainland China.

In June 2012, China stated its position that “中印关系”可能是“本世纪最重要的双边伙伴关系”

中国设定了一个目标,到2015年,增加两国之间的双边贸易,以$ 100美元十亿。


To be sure, China today aspires to match India’s success as an exporter of software and Taiwan’s as an exporter of hardware.

The return of Hong Kong to China has strengthened the China link of India’s business community, many of whom have lived and thrived in Hong Kong for over one hundred years.




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