中国 - 欧洲 - 非洲业务(Sylodium信息,全球业务和贸易)

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1 USA invests in Africa but wants also to change the governments

2 EU always thinks more in aid that in invest

3 Conclusion, Africa prefers Chinese attitude, only business, no charity, not to be governed.

For China, Africa is key for

1 their natural resources (in oil, minerals, timber, or cotton) These amenities aid the movement of natural resources back to China, and provide China with leverage to obtain exploration and drilling rights

2 vast emerging market, with profitable outlets for the immediate export of cheap manufactured goods, and the future export of high-end products and services

For Africa, China is key

China funds the construction of infrastructure such as roads and railroads, dams, ports, and airports.

China is currently in pharaonic investments, Large-scale structural projects, often accompanied by a soft loan to African countries

"I have a dream, that all African capitals are connected with high-speed railways and to enhance communication and development," the President Xi Jinping has said.

China currently is the largest trading partner of Africa, second USA



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China – Africa business

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