中国,秘鲁,西班牙,( Sylodium, 全球平台)

if you want to do triangular or bilateral operations between China and Peru business or
between China and Spain business, use Sylodium.

中国 - 秘鲁


1 There are 200 countries, 25 economic blocs, thousands of FTA's playing in international trade

2 Each country, each player has to know his strengthens and weakness and the strengthens and weakness of the rest of players, and more.

3 So Governments have to to be extremly prepared and have to study beyond their own possibilities just to play normal.

Do you have in mind some business between China Spain and/or Peru?

Are you a Chinese wanting to import from Spain or from Peru but the bank don’t loan you the money you need?

Via barter operations, triangular operations, you could get the funds you need to import if you export at the same time to other countries.

Talk with us, we’ll explain you better

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the FTA with the US was a milestone vital for Peru, since it consolidated the preferential access to the US market and launched a process of trade liberalization,

in 2009 became effective FTAs with Canada and Singapore and in 2010 did the treaty with China, then implement agreements with the European Union, South Korea and Japan

at the end of 2013 joined to the Pacific Alliance

Nowadays in negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Peru's economy has traditionally been a reflection of its varied and complicated geography.

Impressive natural resources

But the landscape has changed in recent years, with a supply of exportable products and services fairly large, becoming the fifth Latin American economy.


China – Peru (中国 - 墨西哥)

Relations between China and Peru dating back to 1849, when the first Chinese immigration to Peru occurs, which constitutes the first flow of migrants from China to Latin America, becoming today as the largest Chinese community in Latin America.

for the placement of fish meal. These trade preceded diplomatic relations and prompted the sending of various missions to China.

In the political and economic spheres, both countries are active members of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). Today, the amount of direct investment from China and Japan are the largest contributions to Peru from Asia

China – Spain. (中国 - 西班牙)

China has become Spain's sixth largest trading partner but with a great unfavorable trade balance

In Sylodium,

You can do business between these 3 countries

Shanghai – Lima 上海 - 利马

Madrid (Spain) - Shanghai (CHina). 马德里 - 上海

You have Access to All countries related with all countries

All cities with all cities.

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Also, if you'd want to study new business opportunities our Barter experts could contact to you after your ads if you'd desire.

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