保加利亚,小型和中小型企业 (Sylodium, 国际的 贸易 目录)

Banks in Bulgaria continue to record steady growth in savings, because Bulgarians believe in nothing anymore and steer clear from investments, according to trade unionist. Konstantin Trenchev, leader of Podkrepa trade union said that "Small and medium-sized enterprises are going through very difficult times. People prefer to stash their money in banks rather than invest them in starting new businesses and developing SMEs". Trenchev added "It is true that our taxes are low, but it is also true that investors stay away from Bulgaria, to the contrary of what Finance Minister Djankov claims. We should strive to create permanent jobs. This can happen when the economy develops in a sustainable way and there are friendly conditions for doing business”. Sylodium (global import export directory) you can advertise for free your company or your project, at the intersection of cities that you want, for example; 索非亚(保加利亚) - 布鲁塞尔(比利时) or any city around the World.