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Globalization began in 1945 and accelerated in the 80
In 1945 there were 60 states
Today almost 200
Much rice for so little chicken
Although History can be explained with fewer than 20 countries, businesses do not,
There are also business between Finland - Iceland, or between Bahamas - Bahrain,
Complex game in a Multi-polar world
competing trading blocs (TPP, ASEAN +6, US-EU FTA...).
The Internet has made international trade more equitable.
Take advantage via our Platform, we are the unique platform that to the obliged segmentation for you to choose your target markets where you want to be seen.
The segmentation is obliged in order to determine the places where business happen
Take a look to our mapping system
None business is too small to export
the world is becoming smaller and smaller but more complex
We need order in Internet.
Are you interested in China - ASEAN business?
You have Access to All countries related with all countries
All cities with all cities. The world in your hands.!!!
We can help you via that collaborate with us. We also are are partners at
Joining us and advertise for free to be seen
Then you will already take a great advantage in Internet
Also, if you'd want to study new business opportunities our Barter experts could contact to you after your ads if you'd desire.