南美 - 非洲业务(Sylodium信息,世界贸易)

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1.- 拉美一体化协会,拉丁美洲一体化协会,13个国家

2.- 非盟,非洲联盟,52个国家,

3.- 结束语,676双边贸易关系,


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巴西 - 南非

哥伦比亚 - 埃及

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由于世界上的发展中国家绝大部分都处于南半球和北半球的南部分。于是从1960年代开始,这些国家之间为摆脱发达国家的控制,发展民族经济,开展专门的经济合作,即称为南南合作[1]. 例如非洲南美洲高峰會(Africa-South America Summit,ASA)

started to influence the field of development in the late 1990s.

activities are known as South America-Africa (ASA) cooperation as well as, in the Asia-Pacific region, South-South cooperation.

The ASA cooperation has so far held two summits. in 2006 where 53 delegates from Africa and 12 from South America attended. The second in Sept 2009 where 49 heads of states from Africa and 12 heads of states from South America attended.

Trade between Africa and South America is subject to relatively low freight rates by now, mainly due to the type of products traded, which are of a bulk nature rather than manufactured goods.

there is little trade between Africa and South America for historical reasons, the lack of preferential trade agreements between the two regions, and because their economies are more competitors than partners as they do not complement each other.





Brazil's most important trading partner in Africa is Angola.

Petrobrás, is surveying Angola's coast for possible oil fields

But in the near future, Mozambique, Africa's most populous Portuguese speaking country, is likely to become very attractive for Brazil.

China has become Brazil's third largest trade partner, after the US, and close behind Argentina.

Aside from China, Brazilian companies have increasingly focused on Africa, a continent, which in the past was regarded mainly as the home of former slaves.

two thirds of Chinese imports from Brazil are commodities like soy and iron ore and few interest in industrial Brazilian products,

but Brazil's range of exports to Africa is much more diverse. assembled products, textiles, furniture, agricultural machines etc


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