印度 - 马尔代夫 (Sylodium, 进出口业务)

If you want to export from India to Maldives or from Maldives to India use www.sylodium.com 


  1. India - Maldives, towards strengthening investment in trade cooperation.
  2. The security interest of the both the countries are interlinked and agreed that each side would continue to be sensitive to the concerns of the other side.
  3. The two countries agreed on cooperation in projects that would strengthen regional and sub-regional transport and connectivity to mutual advantage.
  4. The Maldives Gross foreign reserves at the end of November 2012 were approximately $356 million, compared with $326 million in 2011.     


Population: (2nd)

GDP per cápita: $3.650 (126th)


Population: 328.536 (178th)

GDP per cápita: $ 8.871 (89th)

In Sylodium (city and country / crossing system: the best way to export in Internet) you can advertise for free your company or your project, at the intersection of cities that you want, for example, to export to Maldives from India

 新德里(印度) - 马累(马尔代夫)

or any city around the World. You can choose your target markets for free.