Japan and the four tigers (Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea and Hong Kong) have become with Europe and North America one of the three pillars of the modern industrial world order.
However, nowadays, The Four Little Dragons (Malasia, Indonesia, Tailandia y Filipinas -ASEAN’s members-) represent the Spread Of Industrialization In East Asia.
Some factors.
1.- Southeast Asian politic economy
2.- Meritocratic bureaucracy
3.- The old order decline.
4.- Japan as paradigm.
5.- “Industrial neo-Confucianism"
6.- Self sacrifice, self improvement
7.- Non so individualistic as Occident.
If we order the 4 little Dragnos from highest to lowest GDP per capita:
1 - 马来西亚
人口: 28.334.135
人均国内生产总值: 16.942美元
2 - 泰国
人口: 66.720.153
人均国内生产总值: 10.125美元
3 - 印尼
人口: 237.424.363
人均国内生产总值: 5.088美元
4 - 菲律宾
人口: 92.337.852
人均国内生产总值: 4.263美元
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