1.)- Is international trade a complex system (game) or simple goings among countries?
For other directories, it is a map of isolated drawers (country and city), not even a goings.
Let’s start at least by showing that goings among countries; there will be time in which others make international trade a cybernetic system.
How the rest of directories try to organize the international trade with isolated cities? (www.Sylodium.com)
2.)- US-China: competitors and partners.
3.)- The world is living the emergence of “mini-lateralism” (not multilateralism), is that to say, the smallest possible number of countries needed to have the largest possible impact on solving a particular problem.
4.)- multi-lateral initiatives, like WTO, are failing, as trying to agree 123 countries on a new set of rules for international trade is imposible.
5.)- John Austin: The international law is not a real law “International law is the result of the relations of power between all the governs of all the states"
6.)- 47% of the population of the world is rural. In Latin America the 21%, in CIS 40%. (www.wto.org)
7.)- Always incomes have been more important than theories, so economic blocs are more relevant than ideologic blocs that only reach the success if the economic basis are just behind.
8.)- CIVETS, BRICS, N-11…..The world is fragmented into competing trading blocs (EU in Europe, ASEAN in Asia, NAFTA in America, GCC in Middle East, CIS, SADC…) and many others more or less overlapping, so if somebody try to inform about international trade to not expert people, news must be mixed with basic information.
9.)-Africa is thinking in creating an unique bloc from the African Union.
10.)-The Most ambitious multilateral FTA plans are
a)- The TTIP (US – EU). The West will try to recover its dominance facing increasing Asian countries power.
b)- The TTP (Australia, Brunei, Chile, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the United States, and Vietnam)
US is playing in both agreements and Mexico is trying to do the same.
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