土耳其和日本 (Sylodium, 进出口业务)

If you want to export from Japan to Turkey or from Turkey to Japan use www.sylodium.com  (international trade directory)


  1. Turkey and Japan, Turkish and Japanese officials negotiating free trade deal.
  2. Turkish and Japanese businessmen met in Istanbul yesterday to discuss economic partnerships.
  3. Turkey and Japan are working on an economic partnership and a customs agreement for the occasion of the 90th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between both countries.
  4. Since the EU and Japan are negotiating a free trade agreement Turkey doesn't want to be left out of this agreement as a Customs Union member.
  5. Comparing emerging economies with developed economies, Prime Minister of Turkey said that "Emerging economies have less public debt and their banking systems are stronger compared to developed countries.


Population: 126.659.683 (10th) 

GDP per cápita: $36.266 (23rd)


Population: 75.627.384 (18th)

GDP per cápita: $ 18.348 (54th)

In Sylodium (city and country / crossing system: import export business) you can advertise for free your company or your project, at the intersection of cities that you want, for example, to export to Turkey from Japan

东京(日本) - 安卡拉(土耳其)

or any city around the World. You can choose your target markets for free. You will be seen by people you want to be seen.


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