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1.- 中国,超过10个重点城市,拥有超过700万居民,北京,上海,香港,宁波,深圳,广州,天津,东莞,成都...
2.- 中东等21个国家,大阿拉伯自由贸易区:巴林,埃及,伊拉克,约旦,科威特,黎巴嫩,阿曼,巴勒斯坦,卡塔尔,沙特阿拉伯,叙利亚,阿拉伯联合酋长国,也门,阿拉伯马格里布联盟(5国)加塞浦路斯,伊朗,以色列,
3.- 结束语,中国 - 中东地区,涉及200多的,有趣的,双边的贸易关系
北京 - 利雅得
香港 - 多哈
深圳 - 德黑兰
上海 - 迪拜... ..
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China – Saudi Arabia…. etc
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China becames a net oil importer two decades ago
grown increasingly reliant on energy supplies from the Middle East, a part of the world which is
both prone to instability and in which it has little influence.
the United States has much more influence in the Middle East than China and futhermore is assuring the supply of oil in The Persian Gulf via their military presence.
the United States will be far more energy-independent than it has been for decades, creating a stark
contrast with a China whose dependence on Middle Eastern energy is likely to grow.
China is dependent on energy so it relies on the good will of its principal potential foe USA that provide the energy security.
China wants to avoid a war at all costs that would make energy prices skyrocket
Could USA retire form Persian Gulf next years?
Whou would assure the supply?
Middle Eastern states may seek a greater Chinese maritime role. cases to supplement strong relationships with the United States, and in some cases to balance against U.S.
Some in China want a new role, and they see opportunities in the Middle East for China to establish itself as a responsible global actor.
certain that China will have a larger role in the Middle East in the coming decades,
Take a look to these links
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China - USA
China – Australia
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