如何导出到非洲. (Sylodium)

If you want to export to any African country use www.sylodium.com All country (city) crossings you'd desire.

1.- In the decade of 80’s Ghana's economy exceeded 25 percent over South Korea. in the decade of 90’s was less than 50 times its level.

2.- Between 1957 and 1975 formally produce decolonization of Africa.

3.- In the last decade. Africa's GDP has grown at an average annual rate of 5.3 % (the avarage world GDP 4%)

4.- "The African Lions " (In the same sense that The 4 Asian Tigers) are
Botswana. South Africa and Mauritius in black Africa. and Egypt . Algeria . Morocco . Libya and Tunisia Saharan Africa .
The " African lions " is extended to: Nigeria . Kenya . Ghana . Zambia . Angola . Uganda . Rwanda and Ethiopia.

5.- China is supplied in this continent of copper. tin . bauxite . iron ore . coltan and exotic wood and builds on it roads. bridges. railways. airports and stadiums .

6.- African Union. consisting of all of Africa's states except Morocco. that tries to improve cooperation and integration of their members. is separated many other blocs interested in their comercial ties (not colonial influences as none bloc belonged to an unique country).

for example:
If we order from Highest GDP to lower GDP these blocs,
1.- SADC
4.- IGAD 
6.- EAC

In Sylodium (global import export directory. city and country / crossing system) you can advertise for free your company or your project. at the intersection of cities and/or countries you’d desire.

Lagos (Nigeria) - Johannesburg (South Africa)

Or any city around the world

Sylodium. the best way to export in Internet.