If you want to do business between China – EU, for example, you’ll have to join Sylodium
EU should learn from China about investment in other regions
And EU should learn from USA about flexibility
1.- Everything is interwoven
2.- But not everything is related with everthing
3.- So, The world is not a monism neither an atomism
Symploké, is the reality of World,
Sylodium, the reality of trade.
ASEAN is for USA
The same that Latin America is for China
Being neighbors,
And investing continously,
China wouldn’t need to sign an agrement that would get China far of flexibility,
is normal that US is striving to reach the TTP agreement, as the Pacific countries aren’t they neighbours, so US obviously wants to have a strong presence in the region.
But China doesn’t need this
China has two strategies to mantain its influence strong in the Pacific region
1 New free-trade zones,
2 Big investment in the ASEAN region. The China-ASEAN Investment Cooperation Fund, (CAF)
Europe is doing some efforts in investing in Magrheb,
But this should be a priority, the efforts should be huge.
All the fat that EU mantains should be invested (with return) in the Magrheb to kill two birds with one stone
The EU's fat and lack of flexibility scare the markets.
That is what Sylodium hate too, the fat, and the rigid way.
If you decide to work with us, your flexibility is our first value.
Commission compiles figures comparing bullish and bearish bets on the currency versus the dollar.
Would be the euro better with or without Greece?
About U.S.-China rivalry
It’s most likely that the reaction from the Chinese government is to stay low about TPP,
Let the things happen
Before, China worried that no one would come in to China. Today, maybe too many.
the TPP is helping the Asia’s economies, so this region’s dynamism and growth can be tapped for China without any rigid agreement
in the TPP,
Furthermore cutting tariffs and quotas, USA wants to set new rules on intellectual property, services and competition between state-owned enterprises and private rivals.
The rules are the key for US, not to write them China.
But the rules, sooner than later, via Internet, will be very difficult to fix them in a rigid way.
When people will pay their taxes or Social Security, with goods, or the work of others that are in debt with them, or expectations of buying assets in the currency markets, nobody will strange of what we say.
Flexibility is the future, we bet for it
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