斯里兰卡和中国 (Sylodium, 进出口业务)

If you want to export from China to Sri Lanka or from Sri Lanka to China use www.sylodium.com  (international trade directory)


  1. Sri Lanka and China, Free Trade Agreement to boost many sectors.
  2. Free Trade Agreement comes into place towards the year end.
  3. A ten year framework on economic corporation needs to be established to enhance the Sri Lankan manufacturing sector and promote the hub concept and the tourism sector.
  4. The free trade agreement includes not only the economic corporation but also other sectors including cultural, education trade and investment.


Population: 1.353.821.00 (1st)

GDP per cápita: $9.161 (91st)


Population: 20.277.597 (57th)

GDP per cápita: 5.582 (107th)

In Sylodium (city and country / crossing system: import export business) you can advertise for free your company or your project, at the intersection of cities that you want, for example, to export to Sri Lanka from China

北京(中国) - 科伦坡(斯里兰卡)

or any city around the World. You can choose your target markets for free. You will be seen by people you want to be seen.