智利,碳 贸易 平台 (Sylodium, 国际的 贸易 目录)

Chile's government plans to establish a forest carbon credit trading platform and national forest Conaf agency has signed an agreement with the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) to help further this goal. Conaf has signed an agreement with the VCS whereby rules for forest carbon projects that are aligned with international standards. The agreement will provide developers and government projects with clear rules for forest conservation and restoration projects. VCS, said "The agreement will allow national activities and projects to ensure robust accounting court, while encouraging private sector action.” Sylodium (global import export directory) you can advertise for free your company or your project, at the intersection of cities that you want, for example; 圣地亚哥(智利) - 圣保罗(巴西),柏林(德国) - 堪培拉(澳大利亚),开罗(埃及) - 安曼(约旦)or any city around the World.