欧盟 - 俄罗斯商业 (Sylodium信息,世界贸易)

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1.- 独联体国家,12个国家,俄罗斯和亚美尼亚,阿塞拜疆,白俄罗斯,格鲁吉亚,摩尔多瓦和乌克兰,以及中亚国家,哈萨克斯坦,吉尔吉斯斯坦,土库曼斯坦,塔吉克斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦

2.- 欧盟等28个国家。

3.- 结论,独联体 - 欧盟涉及336(12×28)的双边贸易关系,他们中的一些关键在新的世界,

俄罗斯 - 德国,乌克兰 - 法国,白俄罗斯 - 波兰等



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Russia - EU

After the US and EU’s sanctions to Russia by its invasion to Ukraine, Russia has entered in an economic crisis.

But EU also is having bad economic consecuences,

 the Russia’s sanctions to EU are putting around €100bn in potential export revenue and economic development at risk in the EU.

Despite The EU unilaterally annulled its tariffs for Ukraine, The volume of sales from Ukraine to the EU market hasn’t growed.


There is nothing that would be demanded for the quality or price on the European market other than that which was sold before

Impacting in jobs in the EU and in Switzerland over the next few years.

Reduced exports and reduced tourism from Russia.

In terms of export, Germany is the major European economy which would be most affected with a possible loss of 1.6% over the next few years, while Poland, Italy, Spain, France and the UK would lose less than 1%.

Putin estimated that it would take two years for Russia to recover from its current economic crisis.

Putin Extends Russian Food-Import Counter-Sanctions for One Year like EU is suppose to do with Russia 


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