美国 - 哥伦比亚(Sylodium信息,国际贸易目录)

美国 - 哥伦比亚

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry visited Colombia next week to discuss trade and security issues with the Colombian leaders, Foreign Minister Maria Angela Holguin said.

She added that the relationship with the United States is going well," and security issues and progress on the implementation of a free trade agreement will be the main topics of talks.


Population: 315.907.000 (3rd)
GDP: 15.653 trillion (1st)
GDP per cápita: $49.922 (6th)


Población: 46.366.364 (27th)
GDP: $502,8 trillion (28th)
GDP per cápita: $10.791 (86th) 

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