美国 - 日本 (Sylodium, 进出口业务)

If you want to export from Japan to USA or from USA to Japan use www.sylodium.com  (international trade directory)


  1. US - Japan, signs climate change trade agreement.
  2. California's Governor signed an agreement yesterday with Japan's Ambassador to the United States.
  3. Japan and California will collaborate on projects include developing technologies related to California's goal of having 1.5 million zero-emission vehicles on the road by 2025, energy storage, high-speed rail, renewable energy, such as solar and wind power, and water conservation.
  4. Both sides identified the particular agencies and ministries within their respective governments that will implement the agreement.


Population: 126.659.683 (10th) 

GDP per cápita: $36.266 (23rd)


Population: 315.907.000 (3rd)

GDP per cápita: $49.922 (6th)

In Sylodium (city and country / crossing system: import export business) you can advertise for free your company or your project, at the intersection of cities that you want, for example, to export to USA from Japan

东京(日本) - 纽约(美国)

or any city around the World. You can choose your target markets for free. You will be seen by people you want to be seen.


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