Why Empires talk to us about their psychological decisiones when really are political decisions?
Do you want to be in美国 - 非洲业务?
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1.-美国等10余个重点城市在世界上,纽约,芝加哥,洛杉矶,华盛顿,休斯顿,费城,菲尼克斯,达拉斯,亚特兰大,波士顿... ..
2.-非洲。 56个国家。尼日利亚,南非,埃塞俄比亚,埃及等。等
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great advantage in Internet, and new business opportunities.
China surpassed the U.S. as Africa’s largest trading partner in 2009, and the European Union (the 33 FTA of EU with African countries is undermining intra-African trade).
USA wants to recover first position with Africa.
USA – EAC towards a free-trade agreement
But the relevant deal is AGOA with most of african sub-saharian countries
Since 2000, the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) has contributed to more than doubling trade with AGOA-eligible countries.
The countries of sub-Saharan Africa are increasingly viable economic partners that deserve focused attention and deeper engagement.
AGOA beyond a trade-preference arrangement,
Is working to renew and upgrade AGOA to advance economic freedom in Africa, encourage economic integration within the region, and set the stage for a free trade agreement between the U.S. and Africa.
increasing the competitiveness of African entrepreneurs through expanded economic freedom is the key.
AGOA has deepened the U.S. trading relationship with sub-Saharan Africa.
Exports from AGOA-eligible countries to the U.S. in 2012 were more than twice the level of exports in 2000, and U.S. exports to these countries more than tripled.
Take a look to these links
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