美国和日本 (Sylodium, 进出口业务)

Japan and the United States are seeking a two-way trade deal, regarded as a key part of the U.S.-led Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), before U.S. President Barack Obama travels to Japan for an April 24-25 state visit.

The TPP, a 12-nation grouping that would stretch from Asia to Latin America, is a centrepiece of Obama's push to expand the U.S. presence in Asia. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has touted it as a main element of his economic growth strategy.


Population: 126.659.683 (10th)

GDP per cápita: $36.266 (23rd)


Population: 315.907.000 (3rd)

GDP per cápita: $49.922 (6th)

Sylodium (import export business) you can advertise for free your company or your project, at the intersection of cities that you want, for example; 东京(日本) - 纽约(美国)or any city around the World.  

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