赚钱中国 - 非洲(Sylodium信息,全球贸易)

俄罗斯 - 拉丁美洲

全球化的企业. 交织您的业务

Be our representative in Guandong or in Togo,

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1.- 中国等10余个重点城市在世界上,北京,上海,香港,宁波,深圳,广州,天津,东莞,成都......中国,约1.300万居民 

2.- 所有非洲国家,54个国家,非洲的三方自由贸易协定。东南非共同市场,南部非洲发展共同体,东非共同体,向非洲联盟。约1.000万居民。

3结束语,中国 - 非洲,涉及到150多个,有趣的,双边的贸易关系

香港 - 埃塞俄比亚

广东省 - 尼日利亚

上海 - 开罗

中国南方 - 南非... ..




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great advantage in Internet, and new business opportunities.

2- new business realities join us as Premium user

3- Choose somebody (or yourself) to Make money representing part of China related with the rest of the world.


represent Sylodium in China

China – All Africa

China – TOGO

Shanghai - Cairo…. etc

Make money with us.



China and the African started in the 14th century with journeys of Ibn Battuta, the Moroccan explorer, to parts of China;

and the Ming Dynasty voyages to the coast of Somalia and followed the coast down to the Mozambique Channel.

Modern political and economic relations commenced in the era of Mao Zedong,

Today, the modern state of the People's Republic of China has built increasingly strong economic ties with Africa.

1 million Chinese citizens residing in Africa.

200,000 Africans are working in China.

Trade between China and Africa increased by 700% during the 1990s,

and China is currently Africa's largest trading partner since 2008

The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) was established in October 2000 as an official forum to strengthen the relationship.

the United States, is moving to face the increasing economic and military roles that China is playing in the African continent.



中非合作论坛 (FOCAC)是中华人民共和国和一些非洲国家之间 [1]为进一步加强友好合作、促进共同发展而举行的定期对话论坛。






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You have Access to All countries related with all countries

All cities with all cities.                                                                                  

The world in your hands.!!!

We can help you via http://www.chinainout.com/ that collaborate with us. We also are are partners at http://www.camarahispanochina.es/

Joining us and advertise for free to be seen 

Then you will already take a great advantage in Internet

Also, if you'd want to reach many new business opportunities (realities) join us as Premium user to take advantage of Barter (transactions), Banner, and our 2 networkings business. All of this with a very favourable Price due to our first goal.


Be our representative in Guangdong Province related with the rest of the world.

Guangdong – South Africa

Guangdong – Nigeria

Make money with SYlodium.