赚钱,俄罗斯 - 美国(Sylodium信息,导入和导出)

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俄罗斯 - 拉丁美洲

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1.- 独联体国家,12个国家,俄罗斯,亚美尼亚,阿塞拜疆,白俄罗斯,格鲁吉亚,摩尔多瓦和乌克兰,中亚国家,哈萨克斯坦,吉尔吉斯斯坦,土库曼斯坦,塔吉克斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦。而像莫斯科,阿斯塔纳,圣彼得堡,喀山,叶卡捷琳堡,萨马拉,基辅,符拉迪沃斯托克,明斯克,巴库,新西伯利亚或城市 

2.- 美国,超过,10个重点城市,在世界上,纽约,芝加哥,洛杉矶,华盛顿,休斯顿,费城,菲尼克斯,达拉斯,亚特兰大,波士顿......。

3.- 结论,俄罗斯 - 美国,涉及约120,有趣的,双边的贸易关系

纽约 - 莫斯科

芝加哥 - 基辅

俄罗斯 - 美国... .. 




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great advantage in Internet, and new business opportunities.

2- new business realities join us as Premium user

3- Choose somebody (or yourself) to Make money representing part of China related with the rest of the world.


If you want to do business between China – Russia or US - EU, for example, you’ll have to join Sylodium


俄罗斯 - 美国

 Russia’s Top 5 Exports

  1. Oil: US$288,361,702,000 (58.6% of total Russian exports)
  2. Iron and steel: $20,202,919,000 (4.1%)
  3. Gems, precious metals, coins: $11,579,099,000 (2.4%)
  4. Machines, engines, pumps: $8,985,440,000 (1.8%)
  5. Fertilizers: $8,909,523,000 (1.8%)

Russia’s Top Import Partners

Russia’s top 15 trade partners during 2014.

  1. Netherlands: US$67,758,633,000 (13.8% of total Russian exports)
  2. China: $37,236,810,000 (7.6%)
  3. Germany: $36,815,710,000 (7.5%)………………….

United States Top 5 Exports

  1. Machines, engines, pumps: US$219,566,232,000 (13.5% of total exports)
  2. Electronic equipment: $171,966,197,000 (10.6%)
  3. Oil: $157,213,437,000 (9.7%)
  4. Vehicles: $135,797,903,000 (8.4%)
  5. Aircraft, spacecraft: $124,831,567,000 (7.7%) 

America’s Top 5 Import Partners

Russia is not in the TOP 20

  1. Canada: US$312,125,210,000 (19.2% of total American exports)
  2. Mexico: $240,326,181,000 (14.8%)
  3. China: $124,023,950,000 (7.6%)
  4. Japan: $66,964,120,000 (4.1%)
  5. United Kingdom: $53,865,054,000 (3.3%)



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The world in your hands.!!!

We can help you via http://www.chinainout.com/ that collaborate with us. We also are are partners at http://www.camarahispanochina.es/

Joining us and advertise for free to be seen 

Then you will already take a great advantage in Internet

Also, if you'd want to reach many new business opportunities (realities) join us as Premium user to take advantage of Barter (transactions), Banner, and our 2 networkings business. All of this with a very favourable Price due to our first goal.


Be our representative in a part of China related with the rest of the world.