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1.- 中东等21个国家,大阿拉伯自由贸易区:巴林,埃及,伊拉克,约旦,科威特,黎巴嫩,阿曼,巴勒斯坦,卡塔尔,沙特阿拉伯,叙利亚,阿拉伯联合酋长国,也门,阿拉伯马格里布联盟(5国)加塞浦路斯,伊朗,以色列,

2.- 南亚区域合作联盟,7个国家,孟加拉国,不丹,印度,马尔代夫,尼泊尔,巴基斯坦和斯里兰卡。而有关城市地区加尔各答,新德里,孟买,班加罗尔,钦奈,卡拉奇,达卡,科伦坡,锡亚尔科特...

3.- 结论,南亚区域合作联盟 - 中东地区,涉及151双边贸易关系,城市间

印度 - 阿联酋商务

巴基斯坦 - 沙特阿拉伯的业务

孟加拉国 - 土耳其商务

伊朗 - 尼泊尔



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great advantage in Internet, and new business opportunities.

2- new business realities join us as Premium user

3- Choose somebody (or yourself) to Make money representing part of China related with the rest of the world.


India is balancing bilateral relations with Iran and Israel simultaneously

India's relations with Iran and its ties with Israel have remained exclusive?

India pursues the February 2012 terror attack against the Israeli embassy vehicle more actively what don't like to Iran

Relations of India with Iran would be largely linked to the nuclear deal, what don't like to Israel

Iran has also indicated it is open to dialogue with the West, having a major role to play in tackling the ISIS threat, and in addressing the issues that plague the Middle East.

US has understood that without Iran's support the región cannot stabilised

India's investment plan to set up the Chabahar port in Iran that will provide it with an important transit point to Afghanistan and just about 70 km from the China-Pakistan jointly developed Gwadar port.

Iran and Israel hold a lot of strategic importance for India, and vice versa.


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Then you will already take a great advantage in Internet

Also, if you'd want to reach many new business opportunities (realities) join us as Premium user to take advantage of Barter (transactions), Banner, and our 2 networkings business. All of this with a very favourable Price due to our first goal.


Be our representative in a part of China related with the rest of the world.